(MENAFN- AzerNews)

Qabil Ashirov read more The latest survey in Yerevan conducted by GALLUP International
Association (GIA) reveals that Armenian society started to quit the
myth addiction. This malady, which was once incurable, was able to
recover a lot under the iron fist of the 44-day Patriotic War.
Considering that during the war, some countries believed in the
myths invented by Armenians, while others supported them out of
special sympathy, but in the end, this exaggerated "Armenian saga"
started to make people feel disgusted. To top it all off, even
hypothetically they commence to believe in these fabrications
themselves, let alone others. It's a bit funny, but listening to
the debunking of this myth makes one even want to abandon the
planet. So the Armenian myth claims that many things that we
currently utulise in our daily life, which make our life easier,
such as phones, colorful televisions, most medicaments, and so on
have been discovered and invented by Armenians. And let's not
forget that this claim includes the territories of some world
They brag that Russia gained victory over Nazi Germany thanks to
the marshals and generals of Armenian origin. Going further, even
Hay intellectuals declare that if these officers had not
participated in the Red Army in WWII, Russia would have lost the
war. Or the USA became great after the Armenian migration. However,
in both cases, they forget the realities that Armenia is the
poorest country in the South Caucasus, and they enjoined the
humiliating defeat in 2020.
Reading the books and articles of so-called Armenian
intelligentsia, I have no other option but to think that they are
competing with each other in fabrications. Further to the
above-mentioned myths, some Armenian“scholars” claim that the West
owes them as modern European culture, according to them, was formed
since they were the first nation in the world who accepted
Christianity, and thanks to them Christianity was preserved, and
spread so widely.
Needless to speak with them and to try explain that Armenia was
the third state after Caucasian Albania and the kingdom of Urfa
which officially accepted Christianity. In such cases, even the
books confirming these facts, written in Armenian hundreds of years
ago, will not help you. Instead of reading manuscripts written by
hooks or crooks in their own language and going deep into the
facts, they prefer to blabber and scandalize.
Of course, an ordinary Armenian living under such fairy tales
throughout his life would claim that they are superhuman and the
world is indebted to them. So, in their mind, all countries led by
the USA, which "Armenians made it great," are obliged to race to
save them whenever Armenia is in danger. Therefore they were mad in
2020, when no country came to“help” them, more precisely, to die
just for them during the 44-day war. They were unable to make out
why those ordinary people, i.e. Russians, the French, Americans and
so on were reluctant to sacrifice for the“culture creator
superhuman Armenians”; though they believed and expected it.
On the other hand, the world could not make out Armenian
intention either. For example, why an ordinary American from Texas
should die for them. Unlike brain-washed Armenian, the same
American questions that if they are so good and made the USA great,
why Armenia is the poorest and most miserable country in the South
Caucasus. Everybody asks that if they are so capable, why they do
not to live and make their own country great. Actually the same
questions have been asked for a long. However, brain-washed
Armenians resisted to accept the reality.
Another good news came from world-known GALLUP International
Association last week. So, it conducted two surveys in 2023, the
first in January and the second recently. According to the results
of the first survey, 91.3 percent of Armenians believed that in any
war with Azerbaijan, foreign countries will run to help Armenia. A
total of 34 percent believed that France will help Armenia, 30
percent expected help from Russia, 28 percent from the USA, and 25
percent from India. The most ridiculous thing is that 40 percent of
Armenia thought Iran would fight with Azerbaijan for the cause of
them. It reveals the extent of stupidity stemming from
brain-washing. Only idiots can think that for Armenia 35 million
Azerbaijanis in the South Azerbaijan will fight against 10 million
Azerbaijanis in the north.
However, GALLUP says that in the second survey, 64.5 percent of
Armenian expect foreign assistance. Besides, the percentage of
people expecting help decreased to 19.6 percent, Russia 19.5
percent, Iran 18.6 percent, the USA 11.6 and India 6.8 percent. The
results herald that the percentage of Armenian comprehending the
real situation increases. They also prove that the provocations and
terror acts in Karabakh and on the Azerbaijan's border are
committed by Armenian terrorist groups and separatists, because
they are still hopeful that someone will want to be part of this
illegal game. Unfortunately, it seems the provocations will
continue because the majority of Hayk keep hoping for external
assistance and believing in promises made by leaders of different
countries such as Macron, who is more pro-Armenian than
On the other hand, the survey confirms that some effective
operation of the Azerbaijan Army continues successfully and the
final peace is not far. Metaphorically speaking, on every
provocation, banging on the empty heads of Armenians, the Iron Fist
convinces Armenians that promises of people such as Macron are as
empty as the heads of Hayk.
Qabil Ashirov is AzerNews' staff journalist, follow him on
Twitter: @g_ashirov
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