52% UAE residents aware of polycystic ovarian syndrome

(MENAFN- Khaleej Times) Over 50 per cent of UAE residents are aware of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a survey has revealed. PCOS, which is a hormonal imbalance, affects around 5 to 10 per cent of women around the world.

With the month of September globally observed as the awareness month for PCOS, a survey was conducted in the UAE on PCOS and endometriosis awareness. Aster Hospital & Clinics and YouGov conducted the survey.

According to the survey, female respondents were more familiar with the condition (66 per cent) than males (45 per cent). About 38 per cent were not aware of any symptoms associated with PCOS.

In an interview with Khaleej Times, Dr Ann Mini Mathew from the Obstetrics & Gynaecology team at Aster Hospital, explained the medical condition, its causes and symptoms.

What is PCOS?

Women affected by this condition have a disproportion in the levels of sex hormones, oestrogen and progesterone. Since the condition is called PCOS, people associate it with other ovarian cysts. PCOS leads to growth of multiple ovarian cysts, but people tend to believe that since it has to do with cysts, either medication or surgery can cure the condition.

What are the primary causes of PCOS?

Girls as young as 11 could suffer from PCOS which can be caused due to a women's genetic makeup, because of lack of insulin resistance or obesity. A lot of symptoms seen in PCOS occur due to hormonal imbalance.

What are the symptoms of PCOS?

The severity and type of symptoms of PCOS vary in women. The most common symptom of PCOS is irregular menstrual flow. Certain other symptoms include acne, oily skin, dandruff, hair thinning etc.

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